Women We Know #33 - Audrey Lim

As multi-hyphenated in skills as she is in heritage, Audrey Lim first came to the public eye as an evening drive-time DJ on 91.3 as part of Rod Monterio and The Married Men.
She is also an event host and panel moderator (Longchamp Boutique launch with Alexa Chung, F1 Puma Fashion Show; It's A Girl Thing conference); a singer (The Mad Men Attic Bar, Fabrika); a voice over talent (more than a decade of clients including Volkswagon, SKII and Lipton, as well as video games including Grenada Espada); a musical theatre actress (Singapore Repertory Theatre’s Agamemnon, Toy Factory’s Romeo and Juliet); and an all-round problem solver.
Do you have a female leader you admire in your life?
This is wildly unfashionable, but I've always admired the poise and decisiveness of Margaret Thatcher. It's difficult to be a woman, it's difficult to be a leader, so to be both is quite a feat. On the lighter side, I've also accumulated a brooch collection that I first started because of my admiration for Thatcher - the Iron Lady was quoted saying that the brooch she wore represented the state of her soul.
What is the one thing that scares you the most and want to try at least once?
Trying to take myself more seriously as an artist terrifies me! Over the years, I've discovered I'm very confident expediting, shaping and achieving the dreams of the various artists, musicians and celebrity chefs that I've worked with. But the thought of putting myself out there and trying to find a manager for my own artistic work as a host, actor and singer is scary! I'm going to make 2018 my year to develop myself in my own right. Any managers reading this who are keen on managing a polymath, Let's Talk!
What is the hardest life hurdle you’ve gone through and what did you take away from it?
Losing a romance that was heading towards marriage and an artist that I had spent many years developing within the same period was very trying. I was very emotionally invested in both relationships and I felt my heart had been ripped out. I'm not sure how much more resilience I've developed, but I've learnt the importance of having a support network, and not being afraid to admit you need to lean on others. It's okay to not be okay.
What keeps you going when things get tough?
My unfulfilled goals! I'm definitely very career-driven and goal-oriented, and whenever I feel emotionally ruined, I burrow into my work and solve as many problems as I can until I feel balanced enough to look at my situation objectively. I tell myself that I can't quit yet, because I'm not done achieving what I want to achieve.
Audrey is wearing Orchid V suit
What is the one life lesson you learned that can’t be taught in school?
The importance of creating and maintaining relationships. We all know That Person who sizes you up at a party, and only speaks to you if they think you'll likely be "useful" to them. Or That Other Person who only reaches out when they need something from you, and once they've achieved their purpose, they'll ghost. Don't be That Person or That Other Person. Be genuinely interested in meeting new people, and in what they have to say, regardless of what it says on their name card. You'll be surprised how much this enriches your life.
What is your definition of success?
Achieving a level of mastery such that you are objectively recognised by your peers and you subjectively know you would be happy to tell your grandmother what you spent your day doing.
If you weren’t working in the job you are in now, what would you be doing instead?
I have the best job in the world, and I don't think I could see myself doing anything else! I'm a musical theatre-trained voice over artist who cut her teeth on national radio with Singapore's first radio crew (thanks for taking a chance on me, Rod Monteiro!) all while I was still in law school. I routinely get days that include recordings, hosting sessions, auditions, and planning careers and events of various musicians and celebrity chefs under my charge. I'm also one of three co-founders opening a semi-fine dining restaurant in March this year. I don't think I could go back to litigation!
What is your ideal holiday?
I recharge best in nature. I'd love to go somewhere with lots of green, lots of water, lots of clear skies and poor mobile phone coverage. That said, I'm done with my backpacking days, so I'd still like my creature comforts, please and thank you!
What or who are your style influences?
I love getting inspiration from my high-achieving friends in Singapore who don't let our humid weather excuse them from looking amazing. It's always fun to see what these girls are wearing!
What three values are most important to you?
Compassion, intelligence and ambition.
Living in a sunny climate, what are some of your must-haves when it comes to your skin?
I'm only just starting to pay attention to my skin (thanks a lot, age, you're finally catching up with me). I need lip balm, a solid cleanser, a light but comforting moisturiser and I'm learning to like the odd face mask once a week.
Audrey is wearing Athleisure Grey Dress
What is your favourite workout and why?
I used to be a school swimmer, and I still enjoy that as a primary source of exercise, mainly because I don't feel gross and sweaty by the end of it. It's also easier on my crappy joints, and I feel accomplished when I manage to achieve the number of laps I set out to do.
How do you squeeze in time for workout in between your busy schedule?
I have very limited success. For this photoshoot, I forced myself to do a series of 5 static exercises first thing in the morning, right out of bed, so I could go and shower and start my day right after, and I would swim at least once a week. But I didn't enjoy it so I've since stopped, haha!
Do you have any special diet you follow by?
I've been intermittent fasting for a few months now and I like it! It fits right into my lifestyle to watch when I eat rather than what I eat, and how "easy" it's been has gone a long way into making it a habit I can live with. This is the first time I'm trying any diet, largely because don't think I have the patience to count calories or intentionally avoid certain types of food.
What do you think of the healthy lifestyle young influencer is portraying/selling on social medias nowadays? ( like teatox or pills to lose weight)
I get a bit worried, to be honest. Growing up without the internet, it was easier to understand that the person in the tv or print ad was a paid model or a professional actor, or someone else who was just NOT like me. Influencers rely on peer marketing, and their aspirational lives seem more achievable because they look like us, and they live where we live. We get used to growing up being compared to Aunty Mei Li's daughter who is getting better grades, and now we compare ourselves to Rando Influencer who is getting better skin, all thanks to A Brand That Paid Her To Say This. It's harder to draw the line between reality and fiction.
Audrey is wearing Athleisure Sleeveless Crop Top
What do you look for in active wear?
I want to be able to move comfortably and not draw attention to my "problem" areas. I like high waisted or fold over pants.
How do you reward yourself after a hard workout?
I actively try not to compensate and over-eat, but I listen to my body's craving for something super protein-y like a kopitiam western chicken chop.
How many times do you workout in a week?
Not frequently enough, haha! Perhaps once a week if I'm good, twice if I'm working towards a goal.
Any special tips for someone who tries to be healthy (whether it be losing weight to be healthy or gaining muscles)?
Determine the end goal, examine your present lifestyle and set small, achievable goals in the direction of the end goal. I'm not embarrassed to admit that my journey was more motivated by vanity than health (I discovered to my horror that my favourite dresses from 3 years ago had gotten too tight!), but to that end, I started intermittent fasting because it was something that fit within my lifestyle, so it was easy to make it a habit without having to think too hard about it. And I'm wearing one of those once-too-tight dresses as I write this, so it's also important to recognise and celebrate the small victories!
Do share with us some of your favourite healthy meals (be it homemade or purchased outside)
I love Chinese-style soups! They're flavourful, and nourishing, and they're easy to eat.